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♠️XL SRVC Dog Wrangler

♠️I am currently consulting for OGA's.

♠️ I am the highest ranked Weapons & Tactics Technical Expert re: Fed Government.

♠️I provide advanced training for US Troops, Private Citizens, Groups, VIPs, etc.

♠️I conduct Private Security Details (PSDs) for high profile clients, in which my experience & training (plus the men I provide), renders an unparalleled level of skill.

♠️ I provide deep undercover protection for Talent, VIPs, HVTs, Conventions, Meet and greets, Signings, Movie premieres, Range Training, etc.

I am retired from the US Army, as well as the Dept. Of Military & Naval Affairs, where I developed the AWATs (Advanced Weapons & Tactics) Weapons Program for southern NY. At the height of my career I had overseen over 20 units weapons training, & deployment readiness (N. Korea Crisis, S. Korea, Iraq, Afghan, Aust, Africa, Europe, etc.) My training footprint has been Global. My time in this capacity provided me with 20+ instructor certificates.

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Federal Law Enforcement Officer Association
Federal Law Enforcement Officer Association
Veterans of America Gun Club
Veterans of America Gun Club

Contact info.

+1 620 655 1642
+1 620 655 1642
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