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International Speaker-Violinist-Author Diane Allen increases the meaning, joy, and fulfillment in one's work and life by accessing the flow state. In Flow: Unlock Your Genius, Love What You Do, Diane shows readers how to harness the power of flow. Years before neuroscientists discovered the positive impact of the flow state, Diane had already experienced its transformative power in her own career as a violinist. Diane was the concertmaster of the Central Oregon Symphony for 15 years, and taught violin for 28 years. It was her unique approach to getting into flow, on demand, that earned her a spot on the TEDxNaperville stage and features on TED, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Associated Press, Boston Herald, Authority Magazine, and Thrive Global. Today, Diane is known for her experiential Keynotes, Training, and Coaching programs that go Beyond Engagement™, featuring her three-step Flow Strategy™ system, which empowers people to get into their flow state, be in their genius, and love what they do.

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Diane's Experiential Video (2 min.)
Diane's Experiential Video (2 min.)
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Diane’s Experiential Speaker Video (2 min.)

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+1 541 617 0340
+1 541 617 0340
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