I'm a cage free farm raised curious human 🌎, who's a seasoned learning, development & communications strategist. Leonardo da Vinci said it best: 'learning never exhausts the mind.' 💯 Now, let's begin to uncomplicate learning... 🧠
Social media
Photo gallery
Living up to family [name] expectations | Let the adventure Begin!
My first teaching classroom (July 11, 2013 | University of Toronto)
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Toronto panel presentation
Science education during the pandemic
Video production with Col. Chris Hadfield for PanAmerican webcast on the 60th anniversary of first human space flight
Speaking with emergency services personnel in April 2016 during the Fort McMurray wildfire
Supporting a scrum during the Fort McMurray wildfire
National conference in Charlottetown, PE
Presentation at the Insurance Bureau of Canada
Accepting award at a national awards program in Edmonton, AB (from my comedian hubby)