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Kalhwá7alap, my name is Sherry Kane, and I am a Ts'kw'aylaxw member from the St’át'imc Nation. I have been in the Relations Manager role since 2022. The Relations Manager has several specific functions identified in the St’át’imc – BC Hydro Settlement Agreements which includes sharing information related to the Annual Operations Update, BC Hydro capital plans, new authorizations, new facilities, emergencies, contracting opportunities, St’át’imc cultural heritage, operations and maintenance activities, maintaining community points of contact list, and more.

In addition to being the St’at’imc main point of contact, the Relations Manager receives, tracks, and shares information in a timely and organized manner. I look forward to continuing building on the mutual Relations Agreement goal of a respectful, effective, and evolving relationship. I am always eager to hear from St’at’imc and share information.

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SGS YouTube Channel
SGS YouTube Channel

Contact info.

+1 250 256 0425 ext. 260
+1 250 256 0425 ext. 260
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